
UCLA Brain Tumor Imaging Laboratory (BTIL), is part of the Center for Computer Vision and Imaging Biomarkers, and a member of the UCLA Brain Tumor Program. Our research involves the development, testing, and implementation of advanced MRI and PET imaging biomarkers for the characterization of brain tumor biology and response evaluation in clinical trials.

Research Interests

  • Image protocol standardization and quality control for multicenter clinical trials in brain tumors.
  • Imaging biomarkers for novel brain tumor therapies — Diffusion, perfusion, and functional imaging in brain tumors
  • Radiogenomics, high-dimensional image processing and analysis in multicenter clinical trials in brain cancer
  • Multimodal image processing and analysis regarding neurodegenerative disease
  • Voxelwise spatiotemporal modeling of brain tumors using serial imaging
  • Advanced MRI and PET techniques for brain tumor treatment evaluation, characterization, visualization, and quantification
  • Deep Learning and Computer Vision techniques applied in medical imaging research

Clinical Trials

Surgical Validation of Advanced MRI Techniques in Suspected Brain Tumors

IRB # 14-001261


IRB 14-001261

If you are ≥ 18 years old and have been diagnosed with a primary brain tumor and are a candidate for surgery you may be eligible to participate in a research study to collect information from your Brain MRI exam to help improve early detection and understand brain tumor metabolism.

If you choose to participate, you will have a 60 minute Brain MRI as part of a routine pre-surgical workup plus an additional research MRI for up to 15 extra minutes. There is no fee to participate in the study. The study will pay for the entire 75 minutes MRI exam.

Surgical Study Flyer

Surgical Validation of Advanced MRI Techniques in Suspected Brain Tumors

IRB # 15-000615


IRB 15-000615

If you are ≥ 18 years old and you have been diagnosed with primary or recurrent high-grade gliomas, you may be eligible to participate in a research study to collect information from you Brain MRI exams to help improve early detection and understand brain tumor metabolism.

If you choose to participate, you will have 60 minutes pre- and post-treatment Brain MRI scans as part of a routine workup plus additional research MRI scans for up to 15 extra minutes.

There is no fee to participate in the study. The study will pay for the entire 75 minutes MRI exam or the additional 15 minutes of research scans.

Immunotherapy Study Flyer

Meet the Team
